addThreadMember (channelId, userId, botToken) |
Adds another member to a thread. |
bulkDeleteMessages (channelId, messages, botToken) |
Delete multiple messages in a single request. |
createChannelInvite (channelId, invite, botToken) |
Create a new invite for a channel. |
createMessage (channelId, message, botToken) |
Post a message. |
createReaction (channelId, messageId, emoji, botToken) |
Create a reaction for a message. |
crosspostMessage (channelId, messageId, botToken) |
Crosspost a message in a News Channel to following channels. |
deleteAllReactions (channelId, messageId, botToken) |
Deletes all reactions on a message. |
deleteAllReactionsForEmoji (channelId, messageId, emoji, botToken) |
Deletes all the reactions for a given emoji on a message. |
deleteChannel (channelId, botToken) |
Delete a channel. |
deleteChannelPermission (channelId, overwriteId, botToken) |
Delete a channel permission overwrite for a user or role in a channel. |
deleteMessage (channelId, messageId, botToken) |
Delete a message from a channel. |
deleteOwnReaction (channelId, messageId, emoji, botToken) |
Remove own reaction from a message. |
deleteUserReaction (channelId, messageId, emoji, userId, botToken) |
Remove a user's reaction from a message. |
editChannelPermissions (channelId, overwriteId, permissions, botToken) |
Edit the channel permission overwrites for a user or role in a channel. |
editMessage (channelId, messageId, message, botToken) |
Edit a previously sent message. |
followNewsChannel (channelId, targetChannelId, botToken) |
Follow a News Channel to send messages to a target channel. |
getChannel (channelId, botToken) |
Get channel information. |
getChannelInvites (channelId, botToken) |
Get a list of invites for a channel. |
getChannelMessage (channelId, messageId, botToken) |
Get a specific message from a channel. |
getChannelMessages (channelId, options, botToken) |
Get messages from a channel. |
getPinnedMessages (channelId, botToken) |
Returns all pinned messages in the channel. |
getReactions (channelId, messageId, emoji, options, botToken) |
Get a list of users that reacted to a message with a specific emoji. |
groupDmAddRecipient (channelId, userId, params, botToken) |
Adds a recipient to a Group DM using their access token. |
groupDmRemoveRecipient (channelId, userId, botToken) |
Removes a recipient from a Group DM. |
joinThread (channelId, botToken) |
Adds the current user to a thread. |
leaveThread (channelId, botToken) |
Removes the current user from a thread. |
listActiveThreads (channelId, botToken) |
Returns all active threads in the channel, including public and private threads. |
listJoinedPrivateArchivedThreads (channelId, options, botToken) |
Returns archived threads in the channel that are private, and the user has joined. |
listPrivateArchivedThreads (channelId, options, botToken) |
Returns archived threads in the channel that are private. |
listPublicArchivedThreads (channelId, options, botToken) |
Returns archived threads in the channel that are public. |
listThreadMembers (channelId, botToken) |
Get a list of members of a thread. |
modifyChannel (channelId, channel, botToken) |
Update a channel's settings. |
pinMessage (channelId, messageId, botToken) |
Pin a message in a channel. |
removeThreadMember (channelId, userId, botToken) |
Removes another member from a thread. |
startThreadWithMessage (channelId, messageId, params, botToken) |
Creates a new thread from an existing message. |
startThreadWithoutMessage (channelId, params, botToken) |
Creates a new thread that is not connected to an existing message. |
triggerTypingIndicator (channelId, botToken) |
Post a typing indicator for the specified channel. |
unpinMessage (channelId, messageId, botToken) |
Unpin a message in a channel. |
addGuildMember (guildId, userId, param, botToken) |
Adds a user to the guild. |
addGuildMemberRole (guildId, userId, roleId, botToken) |
Adds a role to a guild member. |
beginGuildPrune (guildId, params, botToken) |
Begin a prune operation. |
createGuild (params, botToken) |
Create a new guild. |
createGuildBan (guildId, userId, params, botToken) |
Create a guild ban, and optionally delete previous messages sent by the banned user. |
createGuildChannel (guildId, params, botToken) |
Create a new guild channel. |
createGuildRole (guildId, params, botToken) |
Create a new role for the guild. |
deleteGuild (guildId, botToken) |
Delete a guild permanently. |
deleteGuildIntegration (guildId, integrationId, botToken) |
Delete an integration for a guild. |
deleteGuildRole (guildId, roleId, botToken) |
Delete a guild role. |
getGuild (guildId, withCounts, botToken) |
Get info for a given guild. |
getGuildBan (guildId, userId, botToken) |
Return info on a ban for a specific user in a guild. |
getGuildBans (guildId, botToken) |
Get a list of bans for a guild. |
getGuildChannels (guildId, botToken) |
Get a list of guild channels. |
getGuildIntegrations (guildId, botToken) |
Get a list of integrations for a guild. |
getGuildInvites (guildId, botToken) |
Get a list of invites for a guild. |
getGuildMember (guildId, userId, botToken) |
Get info for a member of a guild. |
getGuildPreview (guildId, botToken) |
Get preview information for a guild. |
getGuildPruneCount (guildId, options, botToken) |
Get the number of members that would be removed in a prune operation. |
getGuildRoles (guildId, botToken) |
Get a list of roles for a guild. |
getGuildVanityUrl (guildId, botToken) |
Get the vanity URL for a guild. |
getGuildVoiceRegions (guildId, botToken) |
Get a list of voice regions for a guild. |
getGuildWelcomeScreen (guildId, botToken) |
Get the welcome screen for a guild. |
getGuildWidget (guildId) |
Get the widget for a guild. |
getGuildWidgetImage (guildId, style) |
Get the widget image for a guild. |
getGuildWidgetSettings (guildId, botToken) |
Get guild widget settings. |
listActiveGuildThreads (guildId, botToken) |
Returns all active threads in the guild, including public and private threads. |
listGuildMembers (guildId, options, botToken) |
Get a list of members in a guild. |
modifyCurrentUserNick (guildId, nick, botToken) |
Modifies the nickname of the current user in a guild. |
modifyCurrentUserVoiceState (guildId, params, botToken) |
Updates the current user's voice state. |
modifyGuild (guildId, settings, botToken) |
Modify a guild's settings. |
modifyGuildChannelPositions (guildId, channelPositions, botToken) |
Modify the positions of a set of channels. |
modifyGuildMember (guildId, userId, params, botToken) |
Modify attributes of a guild member. |
modifyGuildRole (guildId, roleId, params, botToken) |
Modify a guild role. |
modifyGuildRolePositions (guildId, params, botToken) |
Modify the positions of a set of roles for a guild. |
modifyGuildWelcomeScreen (guildId, params, botToken) |
Modify a guild's welcome screen. |
modifyGuildWidget (guildId, widget, botToken) |
Modify a guild widget. |
modifyUserVoiceState (guildId, userId, params, botToken) |
Updates another user's voice state. |
removeGuildBan (guildId, userId, botToken) |
Remove the ban for a user. |
removeGuildMember (guildId, userId, botToken) |
Remove a member from a guild. |
removeGuildMemberRole (guildId, userId, roleId, botToken) |
Removes a role from a guild member. |
searchGuildMembers (guildId, options, botToken) |
Get a list of guild members whose username or nickname starts with a provided string. |
deleteWebhook (webhookId, botToken) |
Delete a webhook. |
deleteWebhookMessage (webhookId, webhookToken, messageId) |
Deletes a message that was created by the webhook. |
deleteWebhookWithToken (webhookId, webhookToken) |
Delete a webhook, using its token for authorization instead of a bot token. |
deleteWebhookWithUrl (url) |
Delete a webhook, using its full URL for authorization instead of a bot token. |
editWebhookMessage (webhookId, webhookToken, messageId, params) |
Edits a previously-sent webhook message from the same token. |
executeGitHubCompatibleWebhook (webhookId, webhookToken, data, options) |
Execute a GitHub webhook. |
executeGitHubCompatibleWebhookUrl (url, data, options) |
Execute a GitHub webhook, using the full URL. |
executeSlackCompatibleWebhook (webhookId, webhookToken, data, options) |
Execute a Slack webhook. |
executeSlackCompatibleWebhookUrl (url, data, options) |
Execute a Slack webhook, using the full URL. |
executeWebhook (webhookId, webhookToken, data, options) |
Execute a webhook. |
executeWebhookUrl (url, data, options) |
Execute a webhook, using the full URL. |
getChannelWebhooks (channelId, botToken) |
Get a list of webhooks for a channel. |
getGuildWebhooks (guildId, botToken) |
Get a list of webhooks for a guild. |
getWebhook (webhookId, botToken) |
Get information for a webhook. |
getWebhookMessage (webhookId, webhookToken, messageId) |
Returns a previously-sent webhook message from the same token. |
getWebhookWithToken (webhookId, webhookToken) |
Get information for a webhook, using its token for authorization instead of a bot token. |
getWebhookWithUrl (url) |
Get information for a webhook, using its full URL for authorization instead of a bot token. |
modifyWebhook (webhookId, params, botToken) |
Modify a webhook. |
modifyWebhookWithToken (webhookId, webhookToken, params) |
Modify a webhook, using its token for authorization instead of a bot token. |
modifyWebhookWithUrl (url, params) |
Modify a webhook, using its full URL for authorization instead of a bot token. |
addGuildMemberRoleToPlayer (guildId, player, roleId, botToken) |
Adds a guild role to a player. |
addPlayerToGuild (guildId, player, params, botToken) |
Adds a player to a guild. |
addPlayerToThread (channelId, player, botToken) |
Adds a player to a thread. |
createGuildBanForPlayer (guildId, player, params, botToken) |
Create a guild ban for a player. |
deletePlayerReaction (channelId, messageId, emoji, player, botToken) |
Remove a player's reaction from a message. |
getGuildBanForPlayer (guildId, player, botToken) |
Return info on a ban for a player in a guild. |
getGuildMemberForPlayer (guildId, player, botToken) |
Get guild membership info for a player. |
getUserForPlayer (player, botToken) |
Get user information for a player. |
getUserId (player) |
Get the Discord user ID of a player. |
groupDmAddPlayer (channelId, player, params, botToken) |
Adds a player to a Group DM. |
groupDmRemovePlayer (channelId, player, botToken) |
Removes a player from a Group DM. |
modifyGuildMemberForPlayer (guildId, player, params, botToken) |
Modify guild membership attributes of a player. |
modifyPlayerVoiceState (guildId, player, params, botToken) |
Updates a player's voice state. |
removeGuildBanForPlayer (guildId, player, botToken) |
Remove a guild ban for a player. |
removeGuildMemberRoleFromPlayer (guildId, player, roleId, botToken) |
Removes a guild role from a player. |
removePlayerFromGuild (guildId, player, botToken) |
Remove a player from a guild. |
removePlayerFromThread (channelId, player, botToken) |
Remove a player from a thread. |
addThreadMember (channelId, userId, botToken)
Adds another member to a thread.
- channelId
The ID of the thread channel.
- userId
The ID of the user to add to the thread.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:addThreadMember("[channel ID]", "[user ID]")
bulkDeleteMessages (channelId, messages, botToken)
Delete multiple messages in a single request.
- channelId
The ID of the channel containing the messages.
- messages
A list of message IDs to delete (2-100).
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:bulkDeleteMessages("[channel ID]", {"[message ID 1]", "[message ID 2]", ...}, "[bot token]")
createChannelInvite (channelId, invite, botToken)
Create a new invite for a channel.
- channelId
The ID of the channel to create an invite for.
- invite
The invite settings.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise that resolves with the newly created invite.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:createChannelInvite("[channel ID]", {max_age = 3600, max_uses = 1})
createMessage (channelId, message, botToken)
Post a message.
- channelId
The ID of the channel to post in.
- message
The message parameters.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved when the message is posted.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:createMessage("[channel ID]", {content = "Hello, world!"}, "[bot token]")
createReaction (channelId, messageId, emoji, botToken)
Create a reaction for a message.
- channelId
The ID of the channel containing the message.
- messageId
The ID of the message to add a reaction to.
- emoji
The name of the emoji to react with.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved when the reaction is added to the message.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:createReaction("[channel ID]", "[message ID]", "💗", "[bot token]")
crosspostMessage (channelId, messageId, botToken)
Crosspost a message in a News Channel to following channels.
- channelId
The ID of the channel containing the message.
- messageId
The ID of the message to crosspost.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the crossposted message.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:crosspostMessage("[channel ID]", "[message ID]", "[bot token]")
deleteAllReactions (channelId, messageId, botToken)
Deletes all reactions on a message.
- channelId
The ID of the channel containing the message.
- messageId
The ID of the message whose reactions will be deleted.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:deleteAllReactions("[channel ID]", "[message ID]", "[bot token]")
deleteAllReactionsForEmoji (channelId, messageId, emoji, botToken)
Deletes all the reactions for a given emoji on a message.
- channelId
The ID of the channel containing the message.
- messageId
The ID of the message to delete reactions from.
- emoji
The emoji of the reaction to delete.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:deleteAllReactionsForEmoji("[channel ID]", "[message ID]", "💗", "[bot token]")
deleteChannel (channelId, botToken)
Delete a channel.
- channelId
The ID of the channel.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:deleteChannel("[channel ID]", "[bot token]")
deleteChannelPermission (channelId, overwriteId, botToken)
Delete a channel permission overwrite for a user or role in a channel.
- channelId
The ID of the channel.
- overwriteId
The ID of the user or role to remove permissions for.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:deleteChannelPermission("[channel ID]", "[overwrite ID]", "[bot token]")
deleteMessage (channelId, messageId, botToken)
Delete a message from a channel.
- channelId
The ID of the channel.
- messageId
The ID of the message.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:deleteMessage("[channel ID]", "[message ID]", "[bot token]")
deleteOwnReaction (channelId, messageId, emoji, botToken)
Remove own reaction from a message.
- channelId
The ID of the channel containing the message.
- messageId
The ID of the message to remove the reaction from.
- emoji
The emoji of the reaction to remove.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:deleteOwnReaction("[channel ID]", "[message ID]", "💗", "[bot token]")
deleteUserReaction (channelId, messageId, emoji, userId, botToken)
Remove a user's reaction from a message.
- channelId
The ID of the channel containing the message.
- messageId
The ID of the message to remove the reaction from.
- emoji
The emoji of the reaction to remove.
- userId
The ID of the user whose reaction will be removed.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:deleteOwnReaction("[channel ID]", "[message ID]", "💗", "[bot token]")
editChannelPermissions (channelId, overwriteId, permissions, botToken)
Edit the channel permission overwrites for a user or role in a channel.
- channelId
The ID of the channel to edit the permissions of.
- overwriteId
The ID of the user or role to edit permissions for.
- permissions
The permissions to set.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:editChannelPermissions("[channel ID]", "[overwrite ID]", {allow = 6, deny = 8, type = 0})
editMessage (channelId, messageId, message, botToken)
Edit a previously sent message.
- channelId
The ID of the channel containing the message.
- messageId
The ID of the message to edit.
- message
The edited message.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise, which resolves with the edited message when the request is completed.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:editMessage("[channel ID]", "[message ID]", {content = "I edited this message!"}, "[bot token]")
followNewsChannel (channelId, targetChannelId, botToken)
Follow a News Channel to send messages to a target channel.
- channelId
The ID of the news channel.
- targetChannelId
The ID of the target channel.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise that resolves with a followed channel object.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:followNewsChannel("[channel ID]", "[target channel ID]", "[bot token]")
getChannel (channelId, botToken)
Get channel information.
- channelId
The ID of the channel.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getChannel("[channel ID]", "[bot token]"):next(function(channel) ... end)
getChannelInvites (channelId, botToken)
Get a list of invites for a channel.
- channelId
The ID of the channel to get invites for.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise that resolves with the list of invites.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getChannelInvites("[channel ID]", "[bot token]"):next(function(invites) ... end)
getChannelMessage (channelId, messageId, botToken)
Get a specific message from a channel.
- channelId
The ID of the channel.
- messageId
The ID of the message.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getChannelMessage("[channel ID]", "[messageId]", "[bot token]")
getChannelMessages (channelId, options, botToken)
Get messages from a channel.
- channelId
The ID of the channel.
- options
Options to tailor the query.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getChannelMessages("[channel ID]", {limit = 1}, "[bot token]"):next(function(messages) ... end)
getPinnedMessages (channelId, botToken)
Returns all pinned messages in the channel.
- channelId
The ID of the channel to get pinned messages from.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which resolves with a list of pinned messages.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getPinnedMessages("[channel ID]", "[bot token]")
getReactions (channelId, messageId, emoji, options, botToken)
Get a list of users that reacted to a message with a specific emoji.
- channelId
The ID of the channel containing the message.
- messageId
The ID of the message to get reactions from.
- emoji
The emoji of the reaction.
- options
Options to tailor the query.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getReactions("[channel ID]", "[message ID]", "💗", nil, "[bot token]"):next(function(users) ... end)
groupDmAddRecipient (channelId, userId, params, botToken)
Adds a recipient to a Group DM using their access token.
- channelId
The ID of the group DM channel.
- userId
The ID of the user to add.
- params
Parameters for adding the user.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:groupDmAddRecipient("[channel ID]", "[user ID]", {access_token = "..."}, "[bot token]")
groupDmRemoveRecipient (channelId, userId, botToken)
Removes a recipient from a Group DM.
- channelId
The ID of the group DM channel.
- userId
The ID of the user to remove.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:groupDmRemoveRecipient("[channel ID]", "[user ID]", "[bot token]")
joinThread (channelId, botToken)
Adds the current user to a thread.
- channelId
The ID of the thread channel to join.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:joinThread("[channel ID]", "[bot token]")
leaveThread (channelId, botToken)
Removes the current user from a thread.
- channelId
The ID of the thread channel to leave.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:leaveThread("[channel ID]", "[bot token]")
listActiveThreads (channelId, botToken)
Returns all active threads in the channel, including public and private threads.
- channelId
The ID of the channel to get a list of active threads for.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with a list of information on active threads.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:listActiveThreads("[channel ID]"):next(function(data) ... end)
listJoinedPrivateArchivedThreads (channelId, options, botToken)
Returns archived threads in the channel that are private, and the user has joined.
- channelId
The ID of the channel to get a list of private archived threads from.
- options
Options for the query.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with a table of information on private archived threads.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:listJoinedPrivateArchivedThreads("[channel ID]", {limit = 5}, "[bot token]"):next(function(data) ... end)
listPrivateArchivedThreads (channelId, options, botToken)
Returns archived threads in the channel that are private.
- channelId
The ID of the channel to get a list of private archived threads from.
- options
Options for the query.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with a table of information on private archived threads.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:listPrivateArchivedThreads("[channel ID]", {limit = 5}, "[bot token]"):next(function(data) ... end)
listPublicArchivedThreads (channelId, options, botToken)
Returns archived threads in the channel that are public.
- channelId
The ID of the channel to get a list of public archived threads for.
- options
Options for the query.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with a table of information on public archived threads.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:listPublicArchivedThreads("[channel ID]", {limit = 5}, "[bot token]"):next(function(data) ... end)
listThreadMembers (channelId, botToken)
Get a list of members of a thread.
- channelId
The ID of the thread channel.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with a list of members of the thread.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:listThreadMembers("[channel ID]", "[bot token]"):next(function(members) ... end)
modifyChannel (channelId, channel, botToken)
Update a channel's settings.
- channelId
The ID of the channel.
- channel
The new channel settings.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:modifyChannel("[channel ID]", {name = "new-name"}, "[bot token]")
pinMessage (channelId, messageId, botToken)
Pin a message in a channel.
- channelId
The ID of the channel containing the message.
- messageId
The ID of the message to pin.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:pinMessage("[channel ID]", "[message ID]", "[bot token]")
removeThreadMember (channelId, userId, botToken)
Removes another member from a thread.
- channelId
The ID of the thread channel.
- userId
The ID of the user to remove from the thread.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:removeThreadMember("[channel ID]", "[user ID]", "[bot token]")
startThreadWithMessage (channelId, messageId, params, botToken)
Creates a new thread from an existing message.
- channelId
The ID of the channel containing the message.
- messageId
The ID of the message to start the thread from.
- params
Parameters for the thread.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise that resolves with the new thread channel.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:startThreadWithMessage("[channel ID]", "[message ID]", {name = "New thread"}, "[bot token]")
startThreadWithoutMessage (channelId, params, botToken)
Creates a new thread that is not connected to an existing message.
- channelId
The ID of the channel to create the thread in.
- params
Parameters for the thread.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise that resolves with the new thread channel.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:startThreadWithoutMessage("[channel ID]", {name = "New thread"}, "[bot token]"):next(function(channel) ... end)
triggerTypingIndicator (channelId, botToken)
Post a typing indicator for the specified channel.
- channelId
The ID of the channel to show the typing indicator in.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:triggerTypingIndicator("[channel ID]", "[bot token]")
unpinMessage (channelId, messageId, botToken)
Unpin a message in a channel.
- channelId
The ID of the channel containing the message.
- messageId
The ID of the message to unpin.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:unpinMessage("[channel ID]", "[message ID]", "[bot token]")
addGuildMember (guildId, userId, param, botToken)
Adds a user to the guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild to add the user to.
- userId
The ID of the user to add to the guild.
- param
Parameters for adding the user.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:addGuildMember("[guild ID]", "[user ID]", {access_token = "..."}, "[bot token]")
addGuildMemberRole (guildId, userId, roleId, botToken)
Adds a role to a guild member.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- userId
The ID of the user to add the role to.
- roleId
The ID of the role to add to the member.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:addGuildMemberRole("[guild ID]", "[user ID]", "[role ID]", "[bot token]")
beginGuildPrune (guildId, params, botToken)
Begin a prune operation.
- guildId
The ID of the guild to prune.
- params
Parameters for pruning.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the number of members that were pruned.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:beginGuildPrune("[guild ID]", nil, "[bot token]"):next(function(pruned) ... end)
createGuild (params, botToken)
Create a new guild.
- params
Parameters for the new guild.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the new guild.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:createGuild({name = "My Guild"})
createGuildBan (guildId, userId, params, botToken)
Create a guild ban, and optionally delete previous messages sent by the banned user.
- guildId
The ID of the guild to create the ban for.
- userId
The ID of the user to ban.
- params
Parameters for the ban.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:createGuildBan("[guild ID]", "[user ID]", {reason = "Not following the rules"}, "[bot token]")
createGuildChannel (guildId, params, botToken)
Create a new guild channel.
- guildId
The ID of the guild to create the channel in.
- params
Parameters for the new channel.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the new channel.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:createGuildChannel(["guild ID"], {name = "new-channel"}, "[bot token]"):next(function(channel) ... end)
createGuildRole (guildId, params, botToken)
Create a new role for the guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- params
Parameters for the new role.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the new role.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:createGuildRole("[guild ID]", {name = "Moderator", ...}, "[bot token]"):next(function(role) ... end)
deleteGuild (guildId, botToken)
Delete a guild permanently.
- guildId
The ID of the guild to delete.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:deleteGuild("[guild ID]", "[bot token]")
deleteGuildIntegration (guildId, integrationId, botToken)
Delete an integration for a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild
- integrationId
The ID of the integration to delete.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:deleteGuildIntegration("[guild ID]", "[integration ID]", "[bot token]")
deleteGuildRole (guildId, roleId, botToken)
Delete a guild role.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- roleId
The ID of the role that will be deleted.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:deleteGuildRole("[guild ID]", "[role ID]", "[bot token]")
getGuild (guildId, withCounts, botToken)
Get info for a given guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- withCounts
Whether to include approximate member and presence counts in the returned info.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the guild info.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getGuild("[guild ID]"):next(function(guild) ... end)
getGuildBan (guildId, userId, botToken)
Return info on a ban for a specific user in a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- userId
The ID of the banned user.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the ban info.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getGuildBan("[guild ID]", "[user ID]", "[bot token]"):next(function(ban) ... end)
getGuildBans (guildId, botToken)
Get a list of bans for a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with a list of bans.
See also:
exports.discord_get:getGuildBans("[guild ID]", "[bot token]"):next(function(bans) ... end)
getGuildChannels (guildId, botToken)
Get a list of guild channels.
- guildId
The ID of the guild to get a list of channels for.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the list of channels.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getGuildChannels("[guild ID]", "[bot token]"):next(function(channels) ... end)
getGuildIntegrations (guildId, botToken)
Get a list of integrations for a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the list of integrations.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getGuildIntegrations("[guild ID]", "[bot token]"):next(function(integrations) ... end)
getGuildInvites (guildId, botToken)
Get a list of invites for a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the list of invites.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getGuildInvites("[guild ID]", "[bot token]"):next(function(invites) ... end)
getGuildMember (guildId, userId, botToken)
Get info for a member of a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- userId
The ID of the user.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise that resolves with the info of the member if they are in the guild.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getGuildMember("[guild ID]", "[user ID]", "[bot token]"):next(function(member) ... end)
getGuildPreview (guildId, botToken)
Get preview information for a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the preview info for the guild.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getGuildPreview("[guild ID]", "[bot token]"):next(function(preview) ... end)
getGuildPruneCount (guildId, options, botToken)
Get the number of members that would be removed in a prune operation.
- guildId
The ID of the guild that would be pruned.
- options
Options for the query.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the number of users that would be pruned.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getGuildPruneCount("[guild ID]", nil, "[bot token]"):next(function(pruned) ... end)
getGuildRoles (guildId, botToken)
Get a list of roles for a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the list of roles.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getGuildRoles("[guild ID]"):next(function(roles) ... end)
getGuildVanityUrl (guildId, botToken)
Get the vanity URL for a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the vanity URL.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getGuildVanityUrl("[guild ID]", "[bot token]"):next(function(vanityUrl) ... end)
getGuildVoiceRegions (guildId, botToken)
Get a list of voice regions for a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the list of voice regions.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getGuildVoiceRegions("[guild ID]", "[bot token]"):next(function(regions) ... end)
getGuildWelcomeScreen (guildId, botToken)
Get the welcome screen for a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the welcome screen.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getGuildWelcomeScreen("[guild ID]", "[bot token]"):next(function(welcomeScreen) ... end)
getGuildWidget (guildId)
Get the widget for a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
A new promise which is resolved with the widget.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getGuildWidget("[guild ID]"):next(function(widget) ... end)
getGuildWidgetImage (guildId, style)
Get the widget image for a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- style
Style of the widget image returned.
A new promise which is resolved with the widget image.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getGuildWidgetImage("[guild ID]", "shield"):next(function(image) ... end)
getGuildWidgetSettings (guildId, botToken)
Get guild widget settings.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the widget settings.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getGuildWidgetSettings("[guild ID]", "[bot token]"):next(function(settings) ... end)
listActiveGuildThreads (guildId, botToken)
Returns all active threads in the guild, including public and private threads.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the lists of threads and thread members.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:listActiveGuildThreads("[guild ID]", "[bot token]"):next(function(data) ... end)
listGuildMembers (guildId, options, botToken)
Get a list of members in a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild to get a list of members for.
- options
Options for the query.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with a list of guild members.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:listGuildMembers("[guild ID]", {limit = 5}, "[bot token]"):next(function(members) ... end)
modifyCurrentUserNick (guildId, nick, botToken)
Modifies the nickname of the current user in a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- nick
The value to set the user's nickname to.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:modifyCurrentUserNick("[guild ID]", "New nickname")
modifyCurrentUserVoiceState (guildId, params, botToken)
Updates the current user's voice state.
- guildId
The ID of the guild to modify voice state in.
- params
Parameters for modifying the voice state.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:modifyCurrentUserVoiceState("[guild ID]", {...}, "[bot token]")
modifyGuild (guildId, settings, botToken)
Modify a guild's settings.
- guildId
The ID of the guild to modify.
- settings
The modified settings for the guild.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the updated guild.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:modifyGuild("[guild ID]", {name = "New guild name"}, "[bot token]")
modifyGuildChannelPositions (guildId, channelPositions, botToken)
Modify the positions of a set of channels.
- guildId
The ID of the guild containing the channels.
- channelPositions
A set of channel position parameters.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:modifyGuildChannelPositions("[guild ID]", {{id = "[channel 1 ID]", position = 2}, {"[channel 2 ID]", position = 1}}, "[bot token]")
modifyGuildMember (guildId, userId, params, botToken)
Modify attributes of a guild member.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- userId
The ID of the member to modify.
- params
The parameters to modify.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the modified guild member.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:modifyGuildMember("[guild ID]", "[user ID]", {nick = "New nickname"}, "[bot token]")
modifyGuildRole (guildId, roleId, params, botToken)
Modify a guild role.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- roleId
The ID of the role to modify.
- params
Parameters for modifications to the role.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the modified role.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:modifyGuildRole("[guild ID]", "[role ID]", {name = "New role name"}, "[bot token]")
modifyGuildRolePositions (guildId, params, botToken)
Modify the positions of a set of roles for a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- params
A list of roles and their new positions.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with a list of all guild roles.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:modifyGuildRolePositions("[guild ID]", {{"[role ID 1]", 2}, {"[role ID 2]", 3}, ...}, "[bot token]")
modifyGuildWelcomeScreen (guildId, params, botToken)
Modify a guild's welcome screen.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- params
Parameters for modifying the welcome screen.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the updated welcome screen.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:modifyGuildWelcomeScreen("[guild ID]", {enabled = true}, "[bot token]"):next(function(welcomeScreen) ... end)
modifyGuildWidget (guildId, widget, botToken)
Modify a guild widget.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- widget
The modified widget attributes.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the updated widget.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:modifyGuildWidget("[guild ID]", {...}, "[bot token]"):next(function(widget) ... end)
modifyUserVoiceState (guildId, userId, params, botToken)
Updates another user's voice state.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- userId
The ID of the user.
- params
Parameters for modifying the voice state.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:modifyUserVoiceState("[guild ID]", "[user ID]", {...}, "[bot token]")
removeGuildBan (guildId, userId, botToken)
Remove the ban for a user.
- guildId
The ID of the guild to remove the ban for the user from.
- userId
The ID of the user to unban.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:removeGuildBan("[guild ID]", "[user ID]", "[bot token]")
removeGuildMember (guildId, userId, botToken)
Remove a member from a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild to remove the member from.
- userId
The ID of the member to remove from the guild.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:removeGuildMember("[guild ID]", "[user ID]", "[bot token]")
removeGuildMemberRole (guildId, userId, roleId, botToken)
Removes a role from a guild member.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- userId
The ID of the user to remove the role from.
- roleId
The ID of the role to remove from the member.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:removeGuildMemberRole("[guild ID]", "[user ID]", "[role ID]", "[bot token]")
searchGuildMembers (guildId, options, botToken)
Get a list of guild members whose username or nickname starts with a provided string.
- guildId
The ID of the guild to search in.
- options
Options for the query.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with a list of guild members that matched the query.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:searchGuildMembers("[guild ID]", {query = "Po"}, "[bot token]"):next(function(members) ... end)
deleteWebhook (webhookId, botToken)
Delete a webhook.
- webhookId
The ID of the webhook.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:deleteWebhook("[webhook ID]", "[bot token]")
deleteWebhookMessage (webhookId, webhookToken, messageId)
Deletes a message that was created by the webhook.
- webhookId
The ID of the webhook.
- webhookToken
The token of the webhook.
- messageId
The ID of the message.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:deleteWebhookMessage("[webhook ID]", "[webhook token]", "[message ID]")
deleteWebhookWithToken (webhookId, webhookToken)
Delete a webhook, using its token for authorization instead of a bot token.
- webhookId
The ID of the webhook.
- webhookToken
The token of the webhook.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:deleteWebhookWithToken("[webhook ID]", "[webhook token]")
deleteWebhookWithUrl (url)
Delete a webhook, using its full URL for authorization instead of a bot token.
- url
The URL of the webhook.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:deleteWebhookWithUrl("[webhook ID]/[webhook token]")
editWebhookMessage (webhookId, webhookToken, messageId, params)
Edits a previously-sent webhook message from the same token.
- webhookId
The ID of the webhook.
- webhookToken
The token of the webhook.
- messageId
The ID of the message.
- params
Parameters to modify.
A new promise which is resolved with the updated message.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:editWebhookMessage("[webhook ID]", "[webhook token]", "[message ID]", {content = "New content"}):next(function(message) ... end)
executeGitHubCompatibleWebhook (webhookId, webhookToken, data, options)
Execute a GitHub webhook.
- webhookId
The ID of the webhook.
- webhookToken
The token of the webhook.
- data
The data to send.
- options
Options for the webhook execution.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:executeGitHubCompatibleWebhook("[webhook ID]", "[webhook token]", {...})
executeGitHubCompatibleWebhookUrl (url, data, options)
Execute a GitHub webhook, using the full URL.
- url
The URL of the webhook.
- data
The data to send.
- options
Options for the webhook execution.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:executeGitHubCompatibleWebhookUrl("[webhook ID]/[webhook token]/github", {...})
executeSlackCompatibleWebhook (webhookId, webhookToken, data, options)
Execute a Slack webhook.
- webhookId
The ID of the webhook.
- webhookToken
The token of the webhook.
- data
The data to send.
- options
Options for the webhook execution.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:executeSlackCompatibleWebhook("[webhook ID]", "[webhook token]", {text = "hello"})
executeSlackCompatibleWebhookUrl (url, data, options)
Execute a Slack webhook, using the full URL.
- url
The webhook URL.
- data
The data to send.
- options
Options for the webhook execution.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:executeSlackCompatibleWebhookUrl("[webhook ID]/[webhook token]/slack", {text = "hello"})
executeWebhook (webhookId, webhookToken, data, options)
Execute a webhook.
- webhookId
The ID of the webhook.
- webhookToken
The token for the webhook.
- data
The data to send.
- options
Options for the webhook execution.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:executeWebhook("[webhook ID]", "[webhook token]", {content = "Hello, world!"})
executeWebhookUrl (url, data, options)
Execute a webhook, using the full URL.
- url
The webhook URL.
- data
The data to send.
- options
Options for the webhook execution.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:executeWebhookUrl("[webhook ID]/[webhook token]", {content = "Hello, world!"})
getChannelWebhooks (channelId, botToken)
Get a list of webhooks for a channel.
- channelId
The ID of the channel.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with a list of webhooks.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getChannelWebhooks("[channel ID]", "[bot token]"):next(function(webhooks) ... end)
getGuildWebhooks (guildId, botToken)
Get a list of webhooks for a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with a list of webhooks.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getGuildWebhooks("[guild ID]", "[bot token]"):next(function(webhooks) ... end)
getWebhook (webhookId, botToken)
Get information for a webhook.
- webhookId
The ID of the webhook.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the webhook.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getWebhook("[webhook ID]", "[bot token]"):next(function(webhook) ... end)
getWebhookMessage (webhookId, webhookToken, messageId)
Returns a previously-sent webhook message from the same token.
- webhookId
The ID of the webhook.
- webhookToken
The token of the webhook.
- messageId
The ID of the message.
A new promise which is resolved with the message.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getWebhookMessage("[webhook ID]", "[webhook token]", "[message ID]"):next(function(message) ... end)
getWebhookWithToken (webhookId, webhookToken)
Get information for a webhook, using its token for authorization instead of a bot token.
- webhookId
The ID of the webhook.
- webhookToken
The token of the webhook.
A new promise which is resolved with the webhook.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getWebhookWithToken("[webhook ID]", "[webhook token]"):next(function(webhook) ... end)
getWebhookWithUrl (url)
Get information for a webhook, using its full URL for authorization instead of a bot token.
A new promise which is resolved with the webhook.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getWebhookWithUrl("[webhook ID]/[webhook token]"):next(function(webhook) ... end)
modifyWebhook (webhookId, params, botToken)
Modify a webhook.
- webhookId
The ID of the webhook.
- params
Parameters to modify.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the updated webhook.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:modifyWebhook("[webhook ID]", {name = "New name"}, "[bot token]"):next(function(webhook) ... end)
modifyWebhookWithToken (webhookId, webhookToken, params)
Modify a webhook, using its token for authorization instead of a bot token.
- webhookId
The ID of the webhook.
- webhookToken
The token of the webhook.
- params
Parameters to modify.
A new promise which is resolved with the updated webhook.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:modifyWebhookWithToken("[webhook ID]", "[webhook token]", {name = "New name"}):next(function(webhook) ... end)
modifyWebhookWithUrl (url, params)
Modify a webhook, using its full URL for authorization instead of a bot token.
- url
The URL of the webhook.
- params
Parameters to modify.
A new promise which is resolved with the updated webhook.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:modifyWebhookWithUrl("[webhook ID]/[webhook token]", {name = "New name"}):next(function(webhook) ... end)
Wrapper functions that allow you to use a player's server ID in place of a Discord user ID.
addGuildMemberRoleToPlayer (guildId, player, roleId, botToken)
Adds a guild role to a player.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- player
The server ID of the player to add the role to.
- roleId
The ID of the role to add to the member.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:addGuildMemberRoleToPlayer("[guild ID]", 1, "[role ID]", "[bot token]")
addPlayerToGuild (guildId, player, params, botToken)
Adds a player to a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild to add the user to.
- player
The server ID of the player to add to the guild.
- params
Parameters for adding the user.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:addPlayerToGuild("[guild ID]", 1, {access_token = "..."}, "[bot token]")
addPlayerToThread (channelId, player, botToken)
Adds a player to a thread.
- channelId
The ID of the thread channel.
- player
The server ID of the player to add to the thread.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:addPlayerToThread("[channel ID]", 1, "[bot token]")
createGuildBanForPlayer (guildId, player, params, botToken)
Create a guild ban for a player.
- guildId
The ID of the guild to create the ban for.
- player
The server ID of the player to ban.
- params
Parameters for the ban.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:createGuildBanForPlayer("[guild ID]", 1, {reason = "Not following the rules"}, "[bot token]")
deletePlayerReaction (channelId, messageId, emoji, player, botToken)
Remove a player's reaction from a message.
- channelId
The ID of the channel containing the message.
- messageId
The message to remove the reaction from.
- emoji
The emoji of the reaction to remove.
- player
The server ID of the player whose reaction will be removed.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:deletePlayerReaction("[channel ID]", "[message ID]", "💗", 1, "[bot token]")
getGuildBanForPlayer (guildId, player, botToken)
Return info on a ban for a player in a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- player
The server ID of the banned player.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the ban info.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getGuildBanForPlayer("[guild ID]", 1, "[bot token]"):next(function(ban) ... end)
getGuildMemberForPlayer (guildId, player, botToken)
Get guild membership info for a player.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- player
The server ID of the player.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise that resolves with the info of the member if they are in the guild.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getGuildMemberForPlayer("[guild ID]", 1, "[bot token]"):next(function(member) ... end)
getUserForPlayer (player, botToken)
Get user information for a player.
- player
The server ID of the player.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:getUserForPlayer(1, "[bot token]"):next(function(user) ... end)
getUserId (player)
Get the Discord user ID of a player.
- player
The server ID of the player.
A new promise which is resolved with the player's Discord user ID, if they have one.
exports.discord_rest:getUserId(1):next(function(userId) ... end)
groupDmAddPlayer (channelId, player, params, botToken)
Adds a player to a Group DM.
- channelId
The ID of the group DM channel.
- player
The server ID of the player to add.
- params
Parameters for adding the user.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:groupDmAddPlayer("[channel ID]", 1, {access_token = "..."}, "[bot token]")
groupDmRemovePlayer (channelId, player, botToken)
Removes a player from a Group DM.
- channelId
The ID of the group DM channel.
- player
The server ID of the player to remove.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:groupDmRemovePlayer("[channel ID]", 1, "[bot token]")
modifyGuildMemberForPlayer (guildId, player, params, botToken)
Modify guild membership attributes of a player.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- player
The server ID of the player.
- params
The parameters to modify.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise which is resolved with the modified guild member.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:modifyGuildMemberForPlayer("[guild ID]", 1, {nick = "New nickname"}, "[bot token]")
modifyPlayerVoiceState (guildId, player, params, botToken)
Updates a player's voice state.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- player
The server ID of the player.
- params
Parameters for modifying the voice state.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:modifyPlayerVoiceState("[guild ID]", 1, {...}, "[bot token]")
removeGuildBanForPlayer (guildId, player, botToken)
Remove a guild ban for a player.
- guildId
The ID of the guild to remove the ban for the user from.
- player
The server ID of the user to unban.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:removeGuildBanForPlayer("[guild ID]", 1, "[bot token]")
removeGuildMemberRoleFromPlayer (guildId, player, roleId, botToken)
Removes a guild role from a player.
- guildId
The ID of the guild.
- player
The server ID of the player to remove the role from.
- roleId
The ID of the role to remove from the member.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:removeGuildMemberRoleFromPlayer("[guild ID]", 1, "[role ID]", "[bot token]")
removePlayerFromGuild (guildId, player, botToken)
Remove a player from a guild.
- guildId
The ID of the guild to remove the member from.
- player
The server ID of the player to remove from the guild.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:removePlayerFromGuild("[guild ID]", 1, "[bot token]")
removePlayerFromThread (channelId, player, botToken)
Remove a player from a thread.
- channelId
The ID of the thread channel.
- player
The server ID of the player to remove from the thread.
- botToken
Optional bot token to use for authorization.
A new promise.
See also:
exports.discord_rest:removePlayerFromThread("[channel ID]", 1, "[bot token]")